Jun 20, 2009

Selamat Tinggal CIAO

Para pemburu dollar sekarang harus beralih nyari "mangsa" baru lantaran mulai 1 Juli 2009 CIAO akan secara resmi ditutup, karena mau diintegrasikan dengan search engine punya Microsoft (namanya Bing). Pihak CIAO sudah mengirimkan pemberitahuan kepada para CIAO-er ke email masing-masing pada tanggal 18 Juni lalu. Setelah tanggal 1 Juli 2009 tersebut, semua member tidak akan bisa lagi mengakses CIAO. Dan mulai 18 Juni 2009, sistem reward dari hasil rating dan dirating, tidak berlaku lagi. Berikut adalah email yang saya terima dari CIAO.

Dear Ciao member,

We are delighted to announce an exciting change. As part of the Microsoft family, Ciao US is being integrated into our new search engine, Bing . You’ll soon find familiar Ciao merchants and product listings on Bing Shopping , and you’ll be able to save even more money with the Bing cashback program.

To avoid redundancy in our offerings to members and customers, Ciao’s shopping expert network will no longer be available on the old domain, Ciao.com, beginning . After this date you will not be able to log in to the Ciao community, read or write product reviews, or have access to other community features.July 1, 2009

What does this mean for you?
You can easily sign up for a Live ID via http://home.live.com/ to join the Microsoft community. If you live in the U.S., having a Live ID also gives you access to our Bing cashback program with which you can earn cash rewards when you shop with a Bing cashback merchant. If you are based in , our European Ciao shopping communities, including Ciao.co.uk will also welcome you to join us as a member.EuropeMicrosoft

As you will not be given access to your reviews on Ciao.com after July 1st, you will need to save your Ciao US reviews manually. You can do this by copying and pasting the text of your reviews into your word processor, and then saving them on your computer. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Concerning payments, we are suspending our reward system as of today. Your account will no longer accrue money for positive ratings, member referrals, or any other awards. The money currently in your account will not be affected by this change. We will be making a final payment request for all Ciao US members in good standing, including those who have been unable to access the site due to regional restrictions. You will not need to make a payment request yourself; we are doing this for you. You should receive your last payments between mid-July and mid-August 2009.

Thank you so much for all your great work and wonderful reviews as a member of Ciao US, and for helping other consumers to make the best buying decisions! We loved having you in our community, and we look forward to seeing you again as part of Bing Shopping. Until then, take care and keep writing!

We sincerely hope you will join Microsoft’s Bing Shopping community and enjoy a new and innovative experience when shopping for products and services. We look forward to hearing your thoughts! If you have any questions, please contact us via info@ciao.com.


The Ciao Community Team

Tapi tenang aja, earning kita akan tetep dibayar koq.
Selamat mencari mangsa baru yah...


Antaresa Mayuda said...

aku ngga ikutan program ciao tuh,
jadinya biasa aja...
ga panik, ga keder, ga apa-apa deh

Sholihin said...

hehehe... iya biasa aja koq..

mzilla said...

nembe melu malahan tutup.........